2024-07-03 03:00:47  作者:孤舟倦客  网址:





Hasn't Hong Kong changed at all since reunification?


"Horse racing, discotheque hopping and stock trading all remain open and robust." That is a popular and vivid depiction of Hong Kong after China resumed the exercise of sovereignty over the city. Indeed, many people interpret "one country, two systems" as "nothing changes". However, this understanding is far too superficial than what the reality is. For nearly 23 years, Hong Kong, as a special administrative region of China, has been changing in many ways even though most of its fundamental "original traits" have not.


Make no mistake, the Basic Law stipulates, "The capitalist system and way of life shall remain unchanged for 50 years." The central government has never sent any mainland official to Hong Kong to lead the SAR government. Hong Kong is still a free port and a separate customs zone. The city's own currency remains in circulation and English is still one of its official languages. These unique characteristics that define Hong Kong have all been preserved.


However, from a different perspective, we can see for sure Hong Kong's constitutional basis has completely changed. Under British rule, Hong Kong's constitutional document was Hong Kong Letters Patent, also referred to as "First Charter". Hong Kong was an "overseas territory" of Britain and public officers had to pledge allegiance to the British Crown.


Since its return to the motherland, Hong Kong has become a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China, whose Constitution and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region together form the constitutional basis of the city. On this constitutional basis, a custom-made set of governance system and related institutions have been adopted, which help keep the city's characteristics and advantages. In other words, the biggest change is its constitutional basis, which allows other "original traits" to remain unchanged and stable. The rule of law is the foundation of a functioning society. Hong Kong has maintained its capitalist system and way of life since July 1, 1997, with its existing laws and bylaws largely unchanged. The reason why they are "largely unchanged" instead of "entirely unchanged" is not only because of the introduction of the Basic Law, but also because all existing laws and bylaws must shed everything that was in conflict with the Basic Law for the sake of their constitutional integrity.


Before Hong Kong's reunification with the motherland, in accordance with Article 160 of the Basic Law, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress spent five years reviewing all the existing laws and bylaws of Hong Kong and took out every bit that was in conflict with the Basic Law. As it turned out, the national legislature decided that Hong Kong's existing statutory infrastructure did not require a major overhaul, and the majority of the legislation should remain effective after all references to "Her Majesty the Queen" and other royal trimmings were replaced with adaptations to reflect the constitutional relationship between the HKSAR and the Central People's Government.


The National Constitution is the constitutional basis for the establishment of special administrative regions, which is unique to China. The Basic Law of the HKSAR was enacted in accordance with Art 31 of the Constitution. The Basic Law establishes the "one country, two systems" principle as the framework of the statutory and institutional system of the SAR; it therefore enjoys supremacy over all existing laws in Hong Kong. It sets in stone, so to speak, the composition and functions of the HKSAR government as well as the rights and obligations of Hong Kong citizens. It is safe to say the difference between the Basic Law and Hong Kong Letters Patent is heaven and earth.


Hong Kong has been experiencing changes in the past 23 years, although its capitalist system and way of life have not. Whereas Hong Kong government officials followed orders from London in the past, the SAR government today makes its own decisions, which is what "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" means. All the governors of yesteryear were appointed by the British monarch; whereas today the chief executive of the HKSAR is elected by an election committee comprising Hong Kong residents and then appointed by the central government. Under British rule, members of the Legislative Council were mostly handpicked by the governor, who also chaired LegCo. Today, lawmakers are elected, who in turn elect the president of LegCo among themselves. The right of final adjudication used to rest with the Privy Council in London; but now it is in the hands of the Court of Final Appeal of the HKSAR and signifies an unprecedented level of independent judicial power and final adjudication. Elections in Hong Kong are becoming more and more democratic; Hong Kong citizens enjoy the same right to participate in State affairs as their mainland compatriots do.


The brand-new constitutional basis requires Hong Kong citizens to adapt to the new constitutional order, as well as to keep perfecting the systems and mechanisms for the implementation of the Constitution and the Basic Law in the HKSAR. It is crucial to enhance the knowledge of the nation's Constitution and the Basic Law in Hong Kong society, especially among public officials, civil servants and younger generations.



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