2024-06-29 08:20:05  作者:失望了  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/jvi120068.html





(考试时间110分钟 满分140分) 2017.4


第Ⅰ卷 (选择题80分)



21.----What do you want to be in the future, John?

--- I want to be _____ fashion designer, but my parents want me to be ______ artist.

A. a; the B. an; a C. a; an D. an; the

22. ---Do you need a new pen, Susan?

---No, Mum. I have ________ now.

A. one B. it C. this D. that

23. ---What is the man in blue?


A. He is tall and strong. B. He is a manager of a company.

C. He is kind and helpful. D. He likes listening to music.

24. ---Excuse me, how can I get to the theater?[来源:学.科.网]

---Walk______ the white building, turn right and you’ll see it.

A. along B. over C. past D. across

25. ---________________?

---Next to the supermarket

A. Where are you going B. What does he like

C. Where does he live D. How can I get to the supermarket

My dream homeLocation It is not 76 from the sea.Material (材料) The house is made of 77 .Transport(交通) I can 78 a mini plane to go shopping.A smart house w w .x k b 1.c o m A 79   It has one 80 books.w w w .x k b 1.c o m[来源:学科网][来源:学科网] A 3D TVWatching 81 on it is cool. TemperatureIt’s not too cold or too 82 .Others83 are turned on automatically (自动地).A 84 house A gardenMany flowers are in it. A lakeWatch 85 swim around or fish there.


Camp Zoo is a wonderful place. The animals here are very cute. They are nice and f 86 to each other. But Giraffe is different. Why? He is always getting others’ food. He can do that because he has a long n 87 .

When other animals have nothing to eat, there is always p 88 of food in Giraffe’s place. The othe

r animals feel q 89 bad, so they plan to do something. They put a s 90 at Giraffe’s door. It s 91 , “The robber (强盗) giraffe.”

W 92 do you call Giraffe the robber, Mr Lion?” a child asks the k 93 of the animal world. The lion answers, “Because he takes our food away every day. He is not kind.”

All the visitors l 94 at Giraffe. And they stop visiting him. So Camp Zoo sends (送) Giraffe to another zoo. Giraffe knows he is w 95 . In the new place, he never gets other animals’ food any more.


A.根据所给汉语完成下列句子(共5小题,每题 2分,计10分)











B. 写作(计20分)

假如你是刘芳,你所在学校的“爱心俱乐部”(Helping Hands Club)将吸收新的自愿者。你想加入该俱乐部,请根据下面表格中的内容,用英语写一封自荐信。

“爱心”表现1. 帮助老年人打扫公寓2. 帮助邻里检查和修理有问题的电脑3. ……
加入目的1. 加入俱乐部后能交到更多的朋友2. ……





Dear chairperson,

I’m a girl student from Class 1, Grade 7. I’d like to be a volunteer of the Helping Hands Club. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I’ll be happy if I’m accepted. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Liu Fang



1-5. CCABB 6-10. BCCBC 11-15.CACAC 10-20. BACBB


21-25. CABCC 26-30. DAACD 31-35.CDACA


36-40. DABCA 41-45. CBCBA 46-50.CDABC


51-53. CAD 54—57.B C C A 58—61. BACD 62—65. DBDB


66.lying 67. elder 68. visitors’ 69.fixing 70. Western

71. mine 72. engineers 73. across 74. twentieth 75. raising


76. far 77.glass 78. take 79.library 80. million

81.films/movies 82. hot 83. Lights 84. green 85.fish


86. friendly 87.neck 88. plenty 89. quite 90. sign

91.says 92. Why 93. king 94. laugh 95. wrong


A.根据所给汉语完成下列句子(共5小题,每题 3分)

96.Your bedroom is different from your (younger) brother’s.

0.5’ 1’ 0.5’

97. There are thousands of books in our school library.

1’ 0.5’ 0.5’

98.Thanks for getting food and drink, ready for us.

Thank you for preparing food and drinks for us

1’ 0.5’ 0.5’

99.Walk/ Go along/down this road/ street/ path, and you will see/find the bank on your/the left.

1分 0.5分 0.5分

100. We will invite some artists to tell you how to enjoy works of art.

1’ 1’

B. 写作(计20分)

Dear chairperson,

Im a girl student from Class1, Grade 7. Id like to be a volunteer of the Helping Hands Club.

I’m 14 years old. I’m strong and healthy. I work hard at all my lessons and I’m good at them. I like computer studies best. I’m kind to my classmates. So they all like me very much.

I’m also always ready to help others. I often visit the old people with my classmates and help the old people clean their flats. When there is something wrong with my neighbours’ computers, they usually ask me to check them and help to fix them. Sometimes I go to clean the park with my friends.

I can make more friends after I join the club. I can also learn different skills from the other volunteers in the club. Then I can do more for others and help more people.

Ill be happy if Im accepted. Im looking forward to your reply.


Liu Fang


















M: Would you like to live in a big house ,Sandy ?

W: No. I want to live in a palace .

M: Hi, Millie .What are you going to be in the future ?

W: I’m going to be a teacher , but my sister wants to be a nurse .

M: Shall we go to the Tian’anmen Square by taxi ?

W: It’s too expensive .Take a bus there .

M: Which animal do you like best ?

W: Guess . Its large ears are like open fans .

M: Lily, would you like to go shopping with me ?

W: I’m afraid I can’t .I have to meet my old friends .

M: Hey ,Helen ! Is this ruler yours ?

W: Oh , no ,Peter . It’s Mike’s .

M: Could you please give me your phone number ?

W: Yes. My number is 7538096.

M: There are 39 students in Tom’s class .

W: Are they all Chinese students ?

M: No, three of them are from America .

M: Don’t read the books ,Linda . It’s too late now.

W: OK, dad .I’ll go to be

d in a minute .

M:When will the plane leave for Paris ?

W: It’s 9:30 now . The plane will leave in 20 minutes .



M:Where are you going ,Mum ?

W: I’m going to the supermarket .

M: Could you do something for me ?

W: What can I do for you ,dear ?

M:I want a ball pen .

W:OK. Is that all ?

M: Yes. Thank you very much .

W: You are welcome .


Spring is here again .It is a fine day tod

ay .Now it’s nine o’clock in the morning . There’s a sports meeting in the forest .Look ,a horse ,a cat and a panda are running. A dog and two tigers are jumping in the grass . Two monkeys are climbing up the trees. Five birds

are flying around . The elephants are standing under a big tree. A monkey is sitting on an old elephant .A fox is sitting in the tree .Other animals are watching .


The Greens are American . Now they are in Shanghai . It is their first time to visit China , and they are going to stay in China for a month . They want to see some nicest places in China . Mr. Green can drive well . He is going to drive to visit factories in Shanghai . Mrs. Green teaches English in a school in America . She is going to visit some Chinese schools and talk to the teachers there . Their son , Jack , wants to make a few Chinese friends . They are going to take a lot of pictures . They are going to show the pictures to their friends when they return to America . They hope more American people can know China . After a visit to Shanghai , they are going to see some places of interest in Hangzhou .

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