2024-09-30 01:42:52  作者:释命爱人  网址:https://m.xinb2b.cn/know/asf228689.html



































It is the bamboo in the stone gap. It holds the green mountain firmly and stands rooted in the broken rock. Thousands of grinding and thousands of blows are still strong, and the wind from East, West, North and south is allowed. Spring, a spring thunder, awakened the spring bamboo shoots. They broke through the soil, overturned the stones, overcame many difficulties and came out of the ground one by one. The spring bamboo shoots are wrapped in a light brown coat and wearing a hat with English spikes on top. They are like young dolls. They are very cute. Facing the spring breeze, they greedily suck the dew of spring, smile in the sun, grow in the spring rain, one section, one section, another section, up, up, up again. Summer, hot weather. When the hot sun shines on you, you must want a cold drink. If you don't see a bamboo forest, you will think it is so beautiful and clear. You must want to go in and block the hot sun, then take the cold drink and feel the beauty, freshness and miracle of nature on the chair. Listening to the cicadas and the rustling sound, everything is so beautiful and warm that everything doesn't exist. In autumn, even in winter, the bamboo forest is still so green and beautiful. In winter, green still hides your sight, but the bamboo branches lower like catkins, put up the shape of crescent moon, and unite to communicate and talk. In just a few days of a year, the snowflakes are floating, wrapped in silver and plain, colorful, and the bamboo branches bend over with laughter like tourists. Although it is bent by the cold wind, it will never bow its head. When it is pressed down by the heavy snow, it will never fall. On rainy days, crystal drops hang on the green leaves, and the rising sun shines on them. They are colorful, like small colored lights. They are very beautiful! The wind blows gently and leisurely through the bamboo forest, and the bamboo leaves are trembling slightly. They are really like slender mouths murmuring. Bamboo is treasure all over the body. It is a very valuable plant. It has tenacious vitality, beautiful appearance and very fast growth speed, but when bamboo was young, it grew in the soil with strong willpower and was ready to rush out of the hard ground at one time. I like the beautiful appearance of bamboo and admire its tenacious life. My uncle and grandfather were like bamboo. When he was a child, he worked very hard and made unremitting efforts to become a tree for the benefit of the people. My uncle's name is Xu Zhuang. He is the uncle of my uncle's third daughter-in-law. His family is in Wugang. When he was a child, his parents died early and depended on his sister. The life is very poor. The sister and brother live by their diligence and the help of their relatives and friends. When my sister got married when I was a child, people came to pick up the proud son to see the bride. My uncle and grandfather, a few years old, grabbed the adult with his hand. The adult only dared to look at him from a distance, dare not approach him, and dare not bully him. After graduating from high school, my uncle and grandpa lost the list. My uncle and grandpa had no money to repeat his study. He climbed up the Shanghai train alone and fell asleep under the seat of others. At that time, Wu Gang had been in Shanghai for more than 40 hours. He drank tap water and ate the dry food he brought with him. After arriving in Shanghai, my uncle went to help people pull yellow buses. He worked during the day and read in the street at night. One day, he saw the Kuomintang's entrance examination in the street. So he 1 attended. He was admitted to the Chinese Department of Fudan University. He studied vertically and pulled a rickshaw whenever he was free. Four years later, after graduating from college, my uncle and grandfather took part in work. When I went to my uncle's house, my uncle had retired from the director of Chinese film materials. Although my uncle and grandfather have retired, they work every day. Together with his wife, Ms. Fu Qifeng, they help many nannies like me and people in need to learn technology and expertise, and help them start a family. They constantly sponsor children in poor mountainous areas to go to school. They are ready to donate their bodies to the hospital for scientific research after a hundred years. Although every nanny comes into the house by a nanny, it is their relatives who come into the house. No matter what they do wrong, they don't scold loudly and always speak patiently. Many people visit every day. There are peaks in all walks of life. The most impressive thing is that my uncle often goes to barbecue with former CPPCC Chairman Zheng Xuelai, often discusses with Grandpa Yan Wenjing, and simanan also visits at home. Their students are all over the world. Whoever goes will be warmly entertained and impart learning experience and work scriptures. In their hearts, everyone is useful. My uncle and grandpa often say that there will be no problem. If you study hard, you will. Uncle and grandma are upright, rising and selfless. Isn't it like bamboo in the stone gap?

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